Customer communications and marketing policy

On this page, we explain the customer communications and marketing that Mandatum carries out in its electronic channels, by post and over the phone. We also provide instructions on how to update marketing and communication permissions.

Mandatum sends its private and corporate customers communications related to customer relationships and agreements. Customers who have given their consent to electronic direct marketing also receive electronic marketing communications related to Mandatum’s services and products. In certain legally permissible situations, electronic direct marketing can also be carried out without the customer’s explicit consent.

You can influence the type of communications you receive from Mandatum and, if you want, you can change your communication and marketing permissions and prohibit the use of your contact details for marketing purposes.

More information about the processing of customer data, data protection and information security at Mandatum:

How does Mandatum communicate in different channels?

Electronic customer communications and phone calls related to Mandatum customer relationships  

From time to time, Mandatum will contact its private and corporate customers via electronic customer communications and through customer-care phone calls in order to manage the customer relationship.

Electronic customer communications are service communications sent via email or text message informing the customer of the service’s use or status or of a change in the service.

Where applicable, the customer has the right to opt out of electronic customer communications carried out via email or text message. However, some of our customer communications may be based on a product or service agreement to which the customer is a party and in connection with which electronic customer communication is necessary in order to carry out the agreement in accordance with the terms of the product or service. In addition, Mandatum is legally obligated to notify its customers of, among other things, any significant changes taking place in its services or products. In these cases, Mandatum will contact its customers even if the customer has opted out of other electronic customer communications. 
 Electronic marketing messages from Mandatum  

Mandatum may send its customers electronic marketing messages related to Mandatum’s services and products, such as invitations to events and information on new services and current campaigns.

As a general rule, electronic direct marketing is sent on the basis of the customer’s prior consent to electronic direct marketing. In some cases, electronic direct marketing can also be sent to Mandatum’s current customers without consent, on the grounds of a legitimate interest, when marketing products and services that belong to the same product group that the customer already has.

However, the customer always has the right, either in advance or later at any time, to prohibit the use of their contact details for marketing purposes. Further information on how customers can change their data concerning marketing permissions is provided below.  
Customer communications and marketing targeted at companies’ representatives   In the case of companies’ representatives, Mandatum may send electronic customer communications and direct marketing based on a legitimate interest to the company’s or organisation’s decision-maker without the recipient’s prior consent when providing services related to the person’s role. The recipient has the right, however, to opt out of electronic customer communications and direct marketing sent on the basis of a legitimate interest.  
Customer surveys and measuring customer satisfaction

When developing its products and services, Mandatum is interested in receiving feedback from customers. We regularly measure our customers’ satisfaction with our services after contact with the customer and during the customer relationship.

From time to time, we also send customers emails and text messages inviting them to complete customer surveys and questionnaires. Customer surveys are carried out either as electronic surveys or interviews.  
Text messages sent by Mandatum Mandatum also sometimes contacts private customers and representatives of companies and organisations by text message.
Direct marketing by phone and by post

From time to time, Mandatum carries out direct marketing by phone and by post. Unlike electronic marketing communications, direct marketing by phone and by post does not require the recipient’s prior consent. However, the customer always has the right at any time to prohibit the use of their contact details for marketing purposes.

Mandatum is a member of the Data & Marketing Association of Finland (ASML), and besides observing opt-outs presented directly to Mandatum, we also observe Robinson lists and prohibitions of direct marketing by phone and by post presented to the Finnish Telemarketing Association.
Customer letters from Mandatum and paperless service

If you are a customer of Mandatum, we send you insurance documents electronically to Mandatum’s Web Service. The documents are easy to keep track of in the Web Service’s Archive. We notify you by email when you have received new information to read.

Please make sure that Mandatum has your current email address where notifications can be sent. You can view and update your email address by logging in to Mandatum’s Web Service using your personal online banking codes. In the upper right-hand corner of the Web Service, click on your name and select Client information from the dropdown menu; then select the Personal data tab to update your email address.

Read more about the Paperless Service: Paperless Service.  

Targeting of digital advertising in social media

Marketing and advertising may be targeted using not only cookies but also customer data in digital services other than Mandatum’s own digital services.

We may, on the grounds of a legitimate interest, use contact details in digital marketing when we use, e.g. Facebook’s, Instagram’s and LinkedIn’s adapted target groups. Adapted target group means targeting advertising based on customer data to a Mandatum customer who is also, e.g. a user of Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.

If you want to prohibit the targeting of digital advertising in digital services other than Mandatum’s own digital services, you can do so on the subscriptions management page or by contacting Mandatum’s customer service by phone or in an online message. More information about managing permission information is provided in the section ‘Changes to marketing and communication permissions’.  

Changes to marketing and communication permissions

You can influence the type of communications you receive from Mandatum and, if you want, you can change your data concerning customer communications and marketing by giving or withdrawing your consent (marketing or communication permission) or by prohibiting electronic communications targeted at you.

Mandatum is legally obligated to notify its customers of, among other things, any significant changes taking place in its services or products. In these cases, Mandatum will contact its customers even if the customer has opted out of other electronic customer communications.

How can i update my consents concerning customer communications and marketing?

You can update your data mentioned above on the consents management page in Mandatum’s Web Service. In the upper right-hand corner of the Web Service, click on your name and select Client information from the dropdown menu; then select the Consents tab. In addition, at the end of every email sent by Mandatum is the link Manage subscriptions, which will take you to the subscriptions management page.

Please note that when transferring to the subscriptions management page from email messages, the permission information is less extensive than the information contained in Mandatum’s Web Service, because some of the permission updates require strong authentication with banking codes.

You can also update your data by sending an online message or by calling Mandatum’s customer service. Customer service’s contact details and opening hours: Customer service.

Updated 9 February 2024