
The information concerning the products or services presented on the website and in the Web Service is a general representation and cannot be construed as a binding offer by Mandatum Group companies (“Mandatum”), or as investment advice or any other advice to make a decision concerning an investment or insurance. Information on insurance policies, investments and other investment-related matters is supplied for information purposes only and does not constitute as a recommendation to subscribe for, hold or exchange certain investments, or to carry out any other actions affecting the performance of the investment or insurance. Under no circumstances must the information presented on the website or in the Web Service be construed as an offer or a recommendation to invest or as legal, accounting, investment or tax advice.

The Client must carefully familiarise him-/herself with the statutory materials, terms and conditions and brochures pertaining to the products and services, and, if necessary, acquire additional information and engage an expert advisor prior to making an individual investment decision or a decision concerning insurance.

Mandatum does not guarantee the reliability or accuracy of the website or the uninterrupted or faultless availability of the website. Mandatum does not assume any responsibility for any direct or indirect damage or loss resulting from the information presented on the website or online services, nor is it liable for any loss resulting from interruptions on the website or online services. The website may contain links to pages owned or maintained by third parties. Mandatum is not liable for any of the material contained on the pages of third-party websites.

The Client independently decides on the selection of investment objects according to his/her investment objectives and bears the risk of any reduction in the value of or loss of the savings. The past performance of investment objects is not indicative of their future performance. The value of the investment objects may rise or fall and thus, the Client may lose the funds he or she has invested. Mandatum is not liable for the performance of the investments.

The presented information is based on the information available at the time the presentation was created as well as on the views and estimates of Mandatum at that time. Mandatum reserves the right to change its views or estimates without separate notice. The use of return assumptions and return targets is indicative. The presented return assumptions and return targets have been calculated using long-term forecasts on return assumptions and they are not a guarantee of future returns or of the final outcome in terms of return assumptions always being positive.

The information regarding legislation and taxation is based on Mandatum´s understanding of the current legislation and taxation practices. The information applies only to persons subject to taxation in Finland. Taxation is not part of an insurance policy or other agreement, and Mandatum is not liable for any impact that changes in legislation or taxation practices may have or for the conformity of individual decisions by the tax authorities with the presented information.
The website and Web Service contain material that is covered by intellectual property rights.  All rights are reserved.

Further information
Data protection and rprocessing of personal data
Principle of Fairness
Terms and conditions concerning the Web Service and website