Wealth mana­gement bank acco­unt

Wealth mana­gement bank acco­unt

Inform us of your bank account number by sending us a message via the Web Service

Log in to the Web Service, select Messages, and write a free-form message that includes your bank account number. We will save your account number in our systems, and your future withdrawals will be paid into that account.

Log in to the web service

Submit the bank account information in a form

If you wish, you can submit the bank account information in a form, which you can attach to an online message or send by post to the address indicated on the form.


A change in the bank account of a minor or a corporate customer

A change in the bank account of a minor must be signed by the minor’s parent/guardian (if there are two parents/guardians and authorisation to manage the customer account has not been given to one of the parents/guardians, the signatures of both are required).

A change in the bank account of a corporate customer can be made by a person/persons who has/have the right to sign for the organisation or to make changes.