Mandatum has been granted ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification under the international standard on information security, reflecting our information security management system’s compliance with international quality standards.
As a reliable financial sector company, we aim to ensure that the services we offer our customers are secure. We place the utmost importance on having sufficient levels of information security and cyber-security that are proportionate to the nature of our business and the information we process, and on ensuring that they correspond to the level generally expected by the financial sector’s various stakeholders. In our company, information security is seen as an integral part of developing high-quality services, the digitalisation of services and a positive customer experience.
Our company’s information security and cyber-security are systematically developed in accordance with the information security strategy approved by the organisation’s management, taking into account the ever-changing threat landscape. Mandatum’s information security and cyber-security management is based on the information security policy approved by the company’s Board of Directors. The policy outlines the roles, responsibilities, goals and more detailed guidelines for implementing information security and cyber-security.
More details on information security at Mandatum are available via email:
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