Did you receive a letter about customer data?


We are updating our statutory customer data, which is why we sent out letters in May requesting information. You can update your customer data either using the attached form or on our Web Service.

Why do we need your information?

As a financial institution Mandatum Life has a legal obligation to identify and know its customers. Legislation concerning customer due diligence requires Mandatum Life to obtain information on its customers’ backgrounds regularly and to a sufficient extent. By identifying and knowing our customers we can also be a reliable partner to our customers. To read more about customer data go to https://www.mandatumlife.fi/knowyourcustomer.

What do I need to do?

Instructions can be found at https://www.mandatumlife.fi/knowyourcustomer.

Why did I not receive a letter?

If your information is up to date, you did not necessarily receive a letter. You can check your customer data by logging in to our Web Service using your personal banking codes.

Additional information

Call our customer service at +358 (0)200 31100 (lnc/mnc) Mon–Thurs from 8 am to 6 pm and Fri from 8 am to 5 pm. You can also send us a message through our Web Service.

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