We will include alternative investments in the ML Allocation Equity investment basket as of 15 September 2020. In the basic situation, approximately 85 per cent of the investment basket’s assets will be invested in equities and around 15 per cent in alternatives. At the same time, the investment basket’s name will change to ML Allocation Equity+.
Adding alternative investments alongside equity investments brings diversification benefits, improving the investment basket’s return-risk ratio. Alternative investments play an important role in Mandatum Life’s co-investment strategy together with our Group. Going forward, those who have invested in the investment basket will also gain access to alternative investments that are only intended for institutional investors, drawing on our Group’s contact network, expertise and purchasing power. In alternative investments, co-investing takes place at the level of specific investments.
Alternative investments refer to investments outside public trading (stock exchanges). At Mandatum Life, they include, for example, various private debt investments, real estate investments and private equity investments.
The changes to the investment basket will be made automatically, and they do not require any actions on the part of customers.
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