The Zapflow by Mandatum Life service intended for PE investors is expanding rapidly


The digital service for private equity and venture capital investors, built together by Mandatum Life and Zapflow, opened in autumn 2020 and has been well received. Zapflow by Mandatum Life brings together private equity investors, their investment teams, their portfolio companies and the companies offering them services. The service already has more than 200 users from Finnish private equity investment firms and investment teams, and service providers from five different sectors.

The basis for the Zapflow by Mandatum Life service is a tool for investment teams, which has long been available to customers. The tool facilitates the management of investment processes, deal flow and portfolio companies. An ecosystem has been established around the tool, in which PE and VC investors can find partners needed at different stages of the investment process. The platform offers investment teams and service providers an easy way to collaborate and request and leave offers.

The ecosystem, which launched during the autumn, already includes experts from companies offering legal, corporate finance, HR, business strategy and technology services. The ecosystem continuously expands with new service categories and service providers.

Learn more about the service: (Link no longer available)

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