Remune­ration commit­tee

Remune­ration commit­tee

The Remuneration Committee is entrusted to prepare and present proposals for the General Meeting on the Remuneration Policy for Governing Bodies of Mandatum plc and the Remuneration Report for Governing Bodies. The Shareholders’ Nomination Committee inspects the Remuneration Policy for Governing Bodies with regard to the remuneration of the Board members prior to the General Meeting.

The Remuneration Committee also prepares for the Board’s decision, Mandatum Group’s Remuneration Principles, Mandatum Group’s long-term incentive schemes, maximum payouts of long-term incentive schemes and short-term incentive programs, as well as the actual payments to be made. Furthermore, the Committee prepares proposals for the Board of Directors on the remuneration of the full-time Chair of the Board, the Group CEO, assesses the remuneration of the Group Management Team and monitors the functioning of Mandatum Group’s reward and compensation schemes.

According to its charter, the Remuneration Committee comprises at least three members elected by the members of the Board from among themselves, the majority of whom must be independent of the company.

The Chair of the Remuneration Committee is Jannica Fagerholm and the other members are Patrick Lapveteläinen and Jukka Ruuska.
